Criminal Justice: Basic Police Academy - Certificate of Proficiency

Area of Study: Criminal Justice
Degree/Certificate: Certificate of Proficiency
Academic School: Business, Legal Professions and Hospitality
State of Ohio: Meets educational requirements
This rigorous program is designed for students who have made the career decision to be peace officers and are enrolled in the Basic Peace Officer Academy affiliated with Cuyahoga Community College. The certificate program encompasses the state-mandated 720-hour Peace Officer Basic Training curriculum, as well as additional coursework that will enhance graduate's background, providing greater career opportunities. Program requirements include 24 credits earned by completing Tri-C's Police Academy program.
Tri-C offers both full-time (40 hours/week) and part-time (24 hours/week) academies. The full-time academy admits students in both the Fall and Spring semesters. The part-time academy admits students only in the Fall semester. Students can complete the additional 10 credits of required coursework to complete the certificate program in the Summer term.
For information on the application process and upcoming academies, click here.